[網絡研討會] 神經營銷:讓你的觀眾轉化的潛意識力量

已發表: 2018-02-16

獲得 A/B 測試結果只是成功的一半。 是時候開始讀懂客戶的想法了。


1. 馬不會算數。

我們會讓蒂姆給你完整的軼事。 但要點是:每個人都認為一匹馬可以用蹄子挖掘數學問題的答案。

他不能。 當人們對他的“輕拍”做出驚訝的反應時,他能分辨出來——而且他會停下來。 每次都能找到正確的答案。

這個故事的寓意是,當您進行用戶測試時,人們會對我們提出問題的方式以及我們對答案的反應作出反應。 所以你不能總是相信人們的反應是真實的。

2. 我們 95% 的決定都是下意識的。

心理學家注意到有兩種類型的決策過程。 系統 1——是你大腦的“潛意識、自動駕駛”部分。 它負責您做出的 95% 的選擇。 只有 5% 是在系統 2 中製造的——你是更理性的系統。




沒有人喜歡做出選擇,然後當你問為什麼時說“我不確定”。 所以他們不會。 有時,大腦掃描實際上顯示出對圖像的積極反應——人們會說“它不會引起他們的共鳴”。


4. 你寫價格的方式會影響人們認為你的產品有多貴。

大腦喜歡流暢。 牠喜歡有意義的事情。

那麼大字體的數字? 這是一個很大的代價。 旁邊小字體的(打折的)數字? 哇——那要小得多。

另外:貨幣符號讓我們的大腦大喊“錢! 花錢吧! 疼痛!” 這裡的上下文很重要,但在您的產品頁面上刪除 $ 或 € 可能有助於引導轉化。


我們知道這一點——經典的說服原則。 人們想要的東西並不多。
但請考慮一下:“幾乎售罄!”之間是有區別的。 和“限量版!”

一個意思是:“有很多東西,人們喜歡它。 就快沒了。” 一個意思是:“有一點點東西,趁它持續的時候得到它。”

喜歡“獨特性”的人——對後者的反應更好。 爭取社會一致性的人會與前者產生共鳴。

6. EEG 可以做一些你的 A/B 測試做不到的事情。

一是——提供一些策略指導性的解釋。 您可以通過眼動追踪判斷某人是否看了一段時間的圖像,但您將很難理解他們對圖像的感受。

如果有人停止滾動,您可以判斷他們是否滾動瀏覽您的頁面:但是 - 為什麼? 因為它很混亂? 因為它令人愉快?

腦部掃描可幫助您找出“方法”。 無論您決定如何測試,它們都會幫助您選擇正確的問題。


謝謝丹尼斯,也謝謝你們讓我參加這個網絡研討會。 我很高興能告訴你們一些關於我們在荷蘭在神經營銷方面所做的事情。 這是我們現在正在探索的一個令人興奮的新領域。 所以是的,在我演講的開始,我總是喜歡帶著 EEG 耳機和我一起展示這張幻燈片。 它當然沒有正確安裝,因為我需要保持頭髮筆直。 當然,我一直很喜歡這張照片,它展示了我們現在正在為之工作的一些客戶。

所以是的,所以我想給你看的第一張照片又是我的照片。 這將是我向你保證的最後一個。 但是看看這張照片,不用轉頭,你能看出這張照片有什麼問題嗎?

也許有些人已經看到有些事情已經過去了。 不放棄任何東西,也許看看嘴,對嗎?


現在讓我為你翻一張照片。 所以現在你看到眼睛和嘴巴被顛倒了。

而且我敢肯定,以這種方式看這張照片真的很奇怪,顛倒 - 但現在眼睛在嘴裡,就像你通常看到的那樣。 你的大腦真的很難看出這不是正確的畫面。

因為如果你看到的一切都像這裡顯示的那樣,除了眼睛和嘴巴之外的一切都是正確的——你的大腦就會知道“嘿,這不對。” 但在這一點上,你的大腦會立即超越你的理性部分,看到一張好臉,然後說“讓我們繼續吧。”

這就是心理學和神經營銷學的基礎。 我們試圖說服,我們試圖衡量的是潛意識。 這是一個自動運行的系統。 因為有很多東西以這種自動方式發生,這是我們想要影響的部分,我們想要使用。

也許你們已經看過下一張幻燈片,所以我會保持簡短。 但有人說過——這是心理學家的標準做法——我們 95% 的決定是在系統 1 中做出的——在潛意識中,自動駕駛儀是你大腦的一部分。 只有 5% 是在系統 2 中製造的——你是更理性的系統。 這個系統在控制中而且速度很慢——所以它控制著更大的決定,比如你的抵押貸款。


因為你們很多人也做一些用戶測試,在用戶測試中,你問你的參與者他們對某事或其他事的看法。 可能是您的網站,也可能是標題圖片。


也許並非總是如此。 這位心理學家做了一個實驗,他讓參與者說出他們想和這兩位女士中的哪一位約會。 所以是左邊的,還是右邊的。 正如你所看到的,它們明顯不同。 左邊的頭髮長,右邊的頭髮短,也許還有一些耳環。 所以這個案例的參與者說是的,我想和左邊那位留著長發的女士約會。 就像一個優秀的魔術師一樣,研究領導者把卡片放下,然後還給他們。

但他沒有註意到的是,他把錯誤的圖片還給了他,所以他沒有選擇他選擇的圖片,而是把圖片還給了他,他沒有選擇。 當然,最大的問題是:有多少人注意到了這一點。

除了這個問題,我的大部分問題都是技巧問題——因為 87% 的參與者確實會說:“嘿,這不是我選擇的問題。”

但有趣的部分是關於 13% 的人沒有註意到它。

他們沒有註意到圖像被交換了,現在他們被問到:他們為什麼選擇這張照片? 而不是說,“是的,我喜歡這個女孩,因為長發,”他們說“不,我喜歡短髮的女孩,我喜歡戴耳環的女孩,”等等。


如果您正在進行用戶測試,請記住這一點非常方便。 當有人不知道他們的想法或感受時,他們會給出一個理由,因為他們最不想做的就是說“我不知道我為什麼選擇這個。” 這在不知不覺中發生,這不是他們願意撒謊的有意識決定。 他們只是下意識地開始編造一些東西。 因此,當您進行用戶測試時,請記住這一點。


為了讓您對此有更多見解,讓我們看看聰明的漢斯。 聰明的漢斯是一匹馬,我認為這是一匹荷蘭馬,因為他的名字叫漢斯,當時很多荷蘭人都叫漢斯。 但是漢斯可以做一些非常奇特的事情。 他會計算,他會做數學。 如果你問馬“二加二是什麼?” 他會敲四下他的蹄子。 太神奇了,對吧? 這匹馬真的會計算,做數學。 所以很多人聚集在一起,他們看到,事實上,你可以問他各種數學問題,他會挖掘正確的答案。 現在的問題當然是:你相信這匹馬真的可以做數學或我們或其他東西嗎?


所以心理學家做了什麼蒙住了馬的眼睛。 然後發生的事情是,當他們問馬一加三等於多少的問題時,馬什麼也沒做。 所以現在每個人都很棒,那麼馬是怎麼做到的呢? 事實證明,這匹馬只是看著一群人。

如果答案是四,人群就會做出反應。 於是他敲了敲蹄子:“一個?” 不,他們都處於懸念之中。 “二?” 他們仍然懸而未決。 “三?” 仍然懸而未決,然後是“四?” 每個人都會說,“啊!” 他敲了四下。 而現在,他看到每個人都很驚訝,所以他知道他應該停下來。 所以全場的潛意識影響,讓馬做了他平時不會做的事。

因此,在進行用戶測試並且您坐在參與者旁邊時,這也是要記住的事情。 你對參與者的潛意識影響是什麼? 也許你對你期望他說的話有某種影響,而這並不總是那麼得心應手。

下一個例子最好地展示了很多潛意識的事情。 事實證明,當研究人員在書店裡留下巧克力香味時,他們看到烹飪書籍的銷量有所上升,浪漫書籍的銷量也有所上升。浪漫書籍的銷量沒有烹飪書那麼高。 食譜更多地與巧克力聯繫在一起,而巧克力的浪漫部分與它並沒有太大的聯繫。 但是看到我們周圍有力量指導我們的行為仍然很有趣。 讓我們深入研究一些可以用來引導某人行為的其他力量的例子,這是我想與您分享的很多轉換見解。

第一個是酷藍的一個例子。 這是一家荷蘭在線商店,他們有這個網頁。 很多次我問觀眾這裡缺少什麼? 並且缺少一些關鍵的信息。

也許是因為你們正在轉換,你可能聽說過省略歐元符號或貨幣符號會增加轉換。 確實如此。 大多數情況下發生這種情況是因為當人們看到這個區域的價格時,大腦就會亮起來。


所以這有點道理。 當你花錢時,我們會說“有點痛”。 這與我們通過 FMRI 掃描在大腦中看到的相同。 它實際上很痛,花錢並不痛,但顯然也看到一個物體的價格很痛,而且價格總是伴隨著貨幣符號。 因此,實際上減輕痛苦的一種方法是將貨幣符號排除在外。

我現在將深入研究神經科學中更深入的內容。 我們剛剛看到了這張帶有價格的電視圖片,所以讓我們深入了解價格並放大它。 所以在這裡我們有您的 1,199 歐元的價格和 1,079 歐元的新價格。 對於接下來我要改變的事情,我必須向你們解釋一些關於有時物理概念如何將自己轉化為心理概念的事情。

這聽起來有點假,但是想像一個住在很遠的朋友,所以我們之間的物理距離有點大,你也覺得你和他的情感距離也因為距離而更大了一些。 有一句荷蘭語說“近鄰勝過遠友”——這是同一回事,居住在遠方的物理概念轉化為心理概念。 那裡的聯繫也感覺有點遠。

現在讓我們將此應用於此價格。 也許你已經猜到了。 我正在增加新舊價格之間的距離以及會發生什麼——這實際上是一位研究這個的科學家——當我們增加舊價格和新價格之間的大小時,我們也會想到折扣有多大是增加。 所以這真的很有趣。 這又是轉化為心理概念的物理概念。

在接下來的幾張幻燈片中,我將向您展示所有這些科學研究相互疊加。 我們最終可能會得到一個完美的價格——一個以心理上效果最好的方式定價的價格。

所以還有一個概念叫做處理流暢度,基本上就是說我們處理得更容易的東西,也處理得更流暢。 如果處理得更流暢,我們會更喜歡它。 就這麼簡單。


我們先來看看變化。 所以我沒有把舊的價格變小,而是把它變大了。 這有點道理,因為舊的價格也更高; 它是 1,199 歐元,所以要多出 120 歐元,所以價格更高,所以在字體方面也應該更大。

所以這又是一項研究,如果舊價格大於新價格,這在心理上更有意義。 這處理得更流暢,所以這也感覺像是一個更大的折扣。

然後是下一個更改,在此更改中,我使舊價格不透明,新價格更不透明。 一樣; 如果它是不透明的,它會感覺更輕,更輕的價格會感覺更小。

在這次更改中,我增加了字體粗細,因此舊價格大、粗、粗,而新價格不再存在。 或者你可以走得更遠,我也可以在這裡失去黑暗,失去黑暗基本上只是意味著價格在多大程度上變小了。

這是我想向你們展示定價的最後一個。 這是一個紅色的針腳,顯然,這只適用於男人。 所以對於男人來說,這感覺像是一個更大的折扣,而對於女孩來說,這是中性的,這可能與男人如何看待紅色以及它如何在進化理論中發揮作用有關。

因此,考慮到這一切,我們作為一個機構,在這種情況下進行了 AB 測試或 ABCD 測試。

所以在左上角我們看到了這個網站的原價。 在該圖像中,它位於紅色右側按鈕上,我們看到:歐元符號、18 個逗號零、零(18,00 歐元)。 所以我們有兩件事要在這裡應用,第一件事是省略歐元符號,正如我已經告訴你的那樣,第二件事是省略零 - 因為也省略零會使價格更小。 所以它應該被認為是一個較小的價格,對吧? 所以我們對此進行了測試,當然,我想你會同意我的觀點,右下角的那個應該是明顯的贏家,因為它沒有歐元符號,也沒有兩個零,但很奇怪左下角的贏了。 我們對此感到非常驚訝,因為我們想,“嘿,歐元符號,它很痛,所以把它去掉應該意味著更少的痛苦,應該意味著更多的轉變。”

但我們忘記的是,也許不清楚這是一個沒有歐元標誌的價格——這比留下歐元標誌更重要,因為它很痛。 因此,當您嘗試應用心理學見解時,也要牢記這一點。 基本上,它在更改網站和進行一些轉換測試時處於金字塔的頂端。


為了更深入地了解這一點,請看下圖。 也許你們已經可以告訴我這家是哪家大零售商了。 我聽不見你們的聲音,除了高五,你們不能舉手。

是的,所以這確實是亞馬遜,你們在這裡沒有看到亞馬遜作為徽標,這真的很有趣,你唯一看到的是,右下角,“添加到購物車”。 而且因為它的品牌非常好,亞馬遜可以在這種情況下省略美元符號——因為你知道這是價格,15.71 美元是價格。

因此,在這種情況下,將其排除在外更有意義。 所以當你嘗試應用同樣的東西時,首先看看你是否正確地標記了你的價格。 如果人們知道那是價格應該在的地方。

這是我們從neuromarketing.com 獲得的下一張幻燈片。 它基本上是一個網站,提供有關神經營銷洞察力的最新信息。 這一個告訴你應該如何定位你的產品。 因此,在您定位產品時也要記住這一點——可能是在您的電子商務網站或您也有產品的其他網站上。 在左側,您會看到 iMac 面向文本,而在右側,戴爾的筆記本電腦面向文本或橫幅。

您基本上可以將其視為收斂線——在 Mac 廣告中指向文本,而在戴爾廣告中則背向文本。 所以我們在右邊的廣告中看到它的效果不如左邊的廣告,如果我當然也用筆記本電腦檢查右邊的廣告,反之亦然。

所以請記住,您的產品也應該面向您的文本。 這與您在文本中使用人類基本相同。 在轉換線的主題上,你也可以利用它來發揮你的優勢。


現在我要問丹尼斯,因為他是一個很好的觀眾,看下一張照片並告訴我他看到的第一件事,我希望你們也嘗試做同樣的事情。 看看我現在要給你看的圖片,想想你看到的第一件事。 你準備好了嗎? 就這樣吧。

是的,這是正確的。 雖然我當然聽不到你們其他人的聲音。 當我向觀眾中的很多人做這個演示時,每個人都大喊我首先看到了風車,這並不奇怪,因為如果你看水,轉換線會自動發生在筆直的道路或鏡頭或水域這種情況下——自動將您的注意力引向風車。 而風車又將目光投向了“歡迎來到荷蘭”的文字。


但是,如果您記住當人們經過時您只有幾秒鐘的注意力,您可能希望人們首先看到產品而不是風車。 在這種情況下,也許您正試圖出售風車,這是正確的,但在其他情況下,請記住會聚線的影響,並且這種情況總是發生在這樣的道路和水域中。


我希望你們不要害怕,不要擔心我不會深入研究 Cialdini 6。我什至不會深入研究原則稀缺性作為單一原則。 我將深入探討最近在神經營銷科學世界中作為一個有趣的見解出現的區別。


第一個可能是大多數人使用的:它是“幾乎售罄”。 但第二個也很有趣,它是“限量版”。

我想到了這兩者之間的區別。 左邊那個,幾乎賣光了,你基本上是說已經生產了很多,但也有很多人買了它。 但在右邊,你基本上是在說我們生產的不多,所以你是少數能夠擁有它的幸運兒之一。

所以左邊的更像是一種社會證明的稀缺性,而右邊的更像是一種獨特的稀缺性。 事實證明,不同類型的人會對這種稀缺性的不同框架做出反應。


我不知道你們是否都知道,但例如,您可以說“註冊時事通訊並始終收到”——這是一個“增益框架”。 或者你可以說註冊一個時事通訊,不要錯過更多的丟失框架的最新信息。

顯然,對獨特性需求高的人對損失框架的反應更積極,而對獨特性需求低的人對獲得框架的反應更好。 因此,在您的網站上使用稀缺性時請記住這一點。


所以我想告訴你們的關於社會證明的另一件事是社會證明的反面。 為什麼我想向你們展示這一點是,社會證明的反面可能會以錯誤的方式使用,我看到我在這裡錯過了一張幻燈片,所以我現在就先說一下。

我們為一家荷蘭保險公司測試了一些提議,我們測試了三個我們自己創建的提議,這些是左邊的提議。 這是恐懼、社會認同和重構。

我們還使用了市場上已經存在的兩個命題——一個來自 ABN、AMRO,另一個來自 Interpolis。 有趣的是,來自 Interpolis 的那個使用了一種消極的社會證明。 它說的是——它是網絡安全的保險——它說的是“網絡事件一直在發生,但大多數企業家仍然沒有考慮它。”

這說明這是一種錯誤的社會證明,因為你說很多人不擔心這個,所以你也不必擔心。 我們都知道社會認同的積極一面,比如“嘿,很多人都這樣做……”,但沒有多少人會反過來說“很多人不這樣做”。擔心這個”真的會傷害轉換。

你可以看到我們是如何測試的。 我們在 LinkedIn 廣告上對其進行了測試,並且有趣的是要記住,用戶測試並不總是必須在您的網站上進行。 例如,如果您想測試一個命題或用戶速度,您可以嘗試在 Facebook 或 LinkedIn 上進行測試……我們確實看到,與我們在左側創建的三個相比, Interpolis 的效果非常非常糟糕,所以效果不如其他的。 所以請記住社會證明的負面部分。

我還想告訴你一些關於我認為 2018 年將會發生的事情,所以更詳細一點。 而且是微動。 我不經常看到這種情況,所以這真的是你可以很容易地提高轉化率的東西。 讓我們看看你們大多數人可能使用的箭頭。 把注意力稍微往下一點。 但這也發生在按鈕上,您也可以嘗試這樣做。 在此示例中,您會看到按鈕有點晃動。 然後這個我真的很喜歡的例子,看看綠色按鈕,它就在顫抖。 當它像那樣搖晃時,我感到有點高興。 因此,通過我們在樣本中看到的這種微動,它引起了很多關注,因為某些東西在移動,而在靜態網站中通常不是這種情況。 所以這對於吸引註意力非常有用。

現在對於你們大多數人可能也非常好奇的部分,丹尼斯一開始就介紹了我。 我們試圖用腦電圖和眼動追踪等神經營銷測量方法來測量潛意識。 所以對我們來說,神經營銷可以用兩種方式來解釋。 所以第一種方法是我已經向你們展示的,這是我們已經從已經完成的科學或我們已經完成的研究中獲得的見解,就像最佳實踐一樣。 但有時您真的很想知道您的消費者在觀看您的網站或瀏覽您的渠道時的反應和感受。 因為那裡可能有很多潛意識的障礙正在發生,人們無法告訴你,但對於他們是否會轉變仍然會產生影響。

我將給你舉一個例子,人們可能不會說這會阻止他們轉換,但最終在轉換中獲得了巨大的收益。 但要深入了解這一點,我首先必須告訴你一些在腦電圖研究中發現的令人驚奇的事情。 2014 年的這項研究表明,我們可以通過查看腦電圖來預測某人是否會購買產品,在這種情況下是前額葉不對稱——你當然可以忘記這一點。 我們可以在某人購買產品之前的 5 毫秒內預測他會以 90% 的確定性購買它,這真的很神奇,我們用這個指標做了很多事情,我將向你展示它看起來如何。

但是請記住,如果您想知道什麼真正在跟踪您的網站上的注意力並照亮人們,那麼這確實是您正在尋找的東西。 基本上,我們衡量的是一種接近或迴避動機,所以當我們看到接近動機時,我們看到人們真的想要它,但是當我們看到迴避動機時,我們看到人們真的不喜歡它。 所以兩者都對你的在線測試很有幫助,因為對於一些你想知道的事情,嘿,這引起了很多關注,人們對此感到積極,讓我們更頻繁地使用它。” 另一個告訴你人們真的不喜歡這個。 稍後我將向您展示一個不喜歡的例子。


為此,我們還會查看科學和研究論文,因為幾年前他們對很多頭戴式耳機進行了比較分析,而你們現在正在查看的這款耳機被證明是商業上最好的一款使用,當然真正最好的是他們在醫院使用的; 但是那些上面有很多電線,你不能真正自由移動,它們也被使用,因為它們有更多的旋鈕來測量你是否患有帕金森。

所以這個基本上是我們當然想要使用它的營銷目的的最佳選擇。 周圍的其他人更像是可以衡量您是否在冥想的產消者。 例如,如果您正在為您的網站進行神經營銷研究,這很有趣,但並沒有真正的幫助。 但是 10 分鐘後它也會有點痛,這個感覺就像你在鍛煉時戴的防汗帶。


所以這不是我們編造的東西,也不是我們自己驗證過的東西。 不,這是全世界都在使用的。

第一個是慾望指標,這是我一開始使用的前額估計示例。 指標的另一部分是參與度指標,您可以看到我們有高參與度和低參與度。 當您的參與度較低時,就像您在閱讀書中的一頁時一樣,並且在頁面的末尾您在想自己:“我又讀了什麼?”


這是我們在網上不使用 lot 的指標; 儘管我們經常將其用於商業測試,但僅用於商業測試,這與您對廣告或商業廣告的記住程度確實相關。

底部的兩個是更負面的。 所以第一個是工作量,你可以想像這是什麼; 當您在處理某些事情時遇到困難時,您的工作量確實很高。 例如,當你在做困難的數學題時。

另一個是混亂,混亂基本上意味著發生了一些你沒有預料到的事情。 因此,這與沮喪不同,這是值得記住的。 有些人說我們可以用腦電圖來衡量挫折感,而科學普查表明,當你試圖衡量挫折感時,你並不清楚你在衡量什麼。


在網站上,這也是您要尋找障礙的網站,因為如果出現混亂,如果人們不知道發生了什麼,他們可能會更快離開。 因此,如果您將其與眼動追踪結合起來,您就可以看到人們在毫秒內看到的位置以及人們的感受——這為網站優化提供了洞察力。 我將向你們展示這對於一個網站的外觀,但我首先想向你們展示它實際上有多強大,並通過展示我需要向你們展示一個廣告,因為這使它盡可能清晰。

在這個廣告中,我們對 12 名有 2 歲左右孩子的女性進行了測試。 你可能會問“我們正在對數千名參與者進行 AB 測試,為什麼這個數字這麼低?” 但它如此低的原因是因為如果你看大腦的反應並沒有太多的變化。 所以研究一致認為,當你有 10 名參與者時,你可以確定你發現的 95% 的東西對更大的受眾來說是有意義的。 如果我們真的想確保我們使用 30 名參與者,因為那麼我們會達到 99% 的顯著性水平。

所以看,讓我先給你們看這個廣告中的第一個場景,你們都看到了這個被拖到水下很多次的嬰兒。 當我試圖在不向你展示的情況下向人們解釋時,他們會說,“所以一個嬰兒被拉到水下,這可能是對的”,但如果你這樣看,好吧,也許你會想,是的,它看起來很可愛. 所以我會播放剪輯,只需幾秒鐘。 你可能會看到它。 他看起來很開心。 讓我們看看另一個剪輯。 這個剪輯,這個baby看起來很開心,就像外國廣告的海報男孩baby。 我想給你看的最後一件事就是這件事; 這是一個嬰兒在自行車前。 顯然,典型的爸爸,我們都騎自行車。 我們在荷蘭的自行車比在荷蘭的居民多,所以我們喜歡騎自行車。 So these were all commercials that on first hand one would say, “Sure thing, they all look good, right, a bit.”

So let me show you how they all look in the brain. And this is the aggregated data of 12 participants, 12 women that have children of around 2 years of age. And you're looking here at the EEG graph of the desire metric. So that's the one that I pulled out because you see a lot of spikes over here that give rise to what was happening. And you have to look at the zero line. So the zero line is over here. I'm pointing at it with my mouse right now. So at the beginning of the commercial it's really low.

Let's take a quick look you'll see a bar going from left to right.

So basically what it means that if it's below zero this means there's an avoidance motivation. While rationally you might say this is cute—this is a baby that's under the water shows that subconsciously something is wrong, it's not going well, we should avoid mission right now. So this is not good, this is not a good start of you're commercial. The next one is supposed to be a baby and he's sitting in the sink, that's stupid. And you saw when he was in the sink it immediately jumped really high so this is really positive, people feel like this is great.

And in the next scene that I want to show you it starts over here so we have a peek over here but then a huge drop over here and that's exactly when the baby sitting in front of the bike with his mom. So this looks really fun but what people really felt is scared or anxiety because a baby sitting in front of the bike and he's probably a bit in danger because he's not wearing a helmet as well, but when they collide he's a first one that hits something and that's not good. And we see immediately that all the moms that saw this, they dropped in a positive emotion, they were immediately, “This is not good, we should abort mission again.” So also not a great scene.

Here in the last scene, and this is I think the best thing to show you guys of how well the symmetry works actually, the desire metric, is in this last scene. First look at it because you can see that there's a huge peak at the end. You can imagine what happened here, right? So you saw the babies coming up and the moms immediately think, “Ah, this is a cute baby. I want to have him.” I want to sniff him probably as well. And they were really happy seeing this. And the reason why I showed you guys this is because of that the metric that we use right prefrontal asymmetry you can see it really works, you can see the distinction of what happens in the brain and we're seeing in the ad. And this is the best example of course have the huge drop in the prefrontal estimates when the positive desire it immediately drops below zero so people are avoidant here.

So we use this metric also online. And now it gets interesting because what happens if you see the same dip in positive emotions when people are visiting your website. And this is exactly where we saw our in a form.

So over here I have an example of a form that has a lot of fields so all these fields are obligatory. And we saw with a lot of participants that forgot to fill out these fields that when they viewed the error message we saw a dip in the positive emotion. So we saw that people are avoiding in this way.

And if we dive into this it may be makes a bit of sense as well because you're seeing that you're missing something here, but if you look further than that we can also see that it's in red. And I think that most of you guys when you looking at a form also use this color, you use a red color because this is basically the standard of using an error message.

So what we thought of that was that red maybe has the wrong association, maybe red is seen as permanently wrong and not adjustable. Well in this case it's just a notification saying that “Hey, you can fill it in and you haven't made a mistake.” So in the following AB test we change the color to orange and the line that was filled we change it from red to black and it's really interesting because a lot of times people say, “Oh, you do Ab testing so you're changing colors and stuff?” You guys all know that it isn't anything always about colors, it's much more about positioning elements and psychology that you can use.

And maybe where you're testing colors it's because of a button that you're trying to change and more contrast in color which makes sense of course, but in this case we only change the color of the text that had an association with it.

And now the question is of course: what did this do in sense of an indication of the conversions? And this really interesting because we saw a huge lift, we saw a lift of 15% with a certainty of 99% just by changing the color.

So this is a huge thing for us as well because as I showed you guys before we can see in EEG that of course there's a dip and there are highest when you also expect it maybe, but we also saw now validated online in a following AB Test on our research.

And that gives way for the research that we do a lot of the times. So how we use EEG and eye tracking to optimize websites, because this is just an example of course. And we do it in this example with a mobile phone.

So you can see over here the press the participant's own phone. We use an eye tracking glass from Toby to look at where people are looking and over here you can see the EEG state, the brain data. So the top one is the engagement, the green one is distraction. So when there's a peak in distraction, something happens that we don't understand; this one, the blue line is workload for how difficult we think this is. Basically the benchmark is if it's above 80 we think it's difficult, if it's below 80 it's okay. And the bottom line is a prefrontal asymmetry, the desire metric.

So when there are dips over here and out here something is happening and we're not going to dive into this right now but you can see over here what is happening. So you can see the participant reading the text and it's really clear what they're reading at the time and they're visiting the website.

And something that we got out of this — it really made us think because we get a lot of insights on how you should or what you should test on your website. We see that basically there are two ways of using EEG and neuromarketing. So the first one is more in an exploratory way so you can use it to see like “What should I test. What are some subconscious roadblocks that are happening right now that I am not aware of.” Like the red text in your form but also of course a lot of other elements. But what's interesting to look at is also more a long term approach of what you're finding.

In this case we saw for the Dutch Road Guard, that the first it's in Dutch so I'll read it for you guys: the first one is the rock art membership and the second one ties when you're in doubt with your car.

When all the participants viewed this they were really excited so by all the other use piece we saw excitement, we saw the people liked it. But with these two we didn't see it. And this gives an interesting insight for the Road Guard for them to look at if this membership is still as relevant as it was when they began with it because back in the days this was really relevant, there's no doubt about it. But nowadays maybe you could say that participants don't want to be part per se of the Road Guard anymore. And I'm not saying that you change your whole business model only because of this but this give rise to a question you should be asking yourself if you have the huge impact.

And that is also what I want to show you guys our model for the Continuous Customer Insights. Because not a lot of times it's only about the short term impact that you guys have, it's also about the long term impact. And you can apply the same model actually for your AB testing as well, because the insights you get are really the insights that are validated. You have a lot of significance while a lot of other tests that people might win or think of are like to to be made up, to be things people just go with.

So what we always start with is the customer. So the customer we take it central in doing our research and ask ourselves how can we improve our website? And we do that a lot of times with neuromarketing insights.

So for instance when we are exploring ways we look at the website and we say “Are there some roadblocks going on in the website right now?” And we measure it with each EGG to measure the subconscious and we see what people are feeling at the time. And by this, as in the example of the Road Guard guard, we can learn that maybe the membership isn't as important as we thought it was.

This gives rise to improve the website on the short term but also give more insights in your customer. And your customer– you have them haven't of course but you also want to have them in the future. So you want to have it more future proof. So really think about this as building database insights about your customer. That not only for your website but will also work for your advertisements and ad copy that you're sending out via email.

So I'm seeing I'm a bit short in time so I'll go through this a bit more quickly.

But this is also interesting if you want to maybe test your hero images. We tested that for Road Guard as well because they couldn't really measure through down the line what the impact of these images were. So we have a header over here and I've now overlaid it with eye tracking data.

But we also combine it with EEG which we're going to look at in a second where you are sitting over here that people a lot of people looked at the text over here which is good. And not a lot of people look at the people on the right-hand side and I think that is good because we know that people can be conversion killers because they attracted a lot of attention and they've diverted away from what we really want them to look at. So in this case this could be a good header, and this is also what we saw in the EEG metrics.

So from a desired point of view from the approach motivation, we saw that that last header you just saw was the clear winner, while cheap tickets was really negative so people didn't feel this as well as the other headers.

You might ask yourself, “Okay, so how does that header look?” 它看起來像這樣。 And this is interesting because for cheap tickets they sell this space to like American Airlines and stuff.

So they sell the spot and probably for a lot of money but people view this negatively at this time.

So this interesting to think of, but it also interesting to think of if you really need an image, and this is something that I really like, we have to question our assumptions. Because when you make a website we automatically think, “Yes, the should be an image over there. We need to make people feel some stuff.”

For example Airbnb. At Airbnb they want to inspire people to think about where they can go and they need to have some inspiring images on their website, but if you go through the website right now you'll see this, there's no hero image at all. And I'm sorry guys, this is in Dutch.

I really like this because they question the assumption that you should use an image on your home screen while you might argue that we're more interested in letting people read.

So in this case for Airbnb they say like, “Reserve, unique spaces and feel the city like you are living there yourself. Experience the city like you living there yourself.”

And I also like this part because they're really concrete on what you are getting while they are actually a really known brand.

Also when you're making hero images or just slogans make sure that you're really clear about what you're selling and don't try to be vague—because vagueness doesn't sell. And look at this our approach to how we measure stuff and how we use neuromarketing to gain more insights.

I hope that you guys also feel that with the AB Testing that you're doing right now, you could also set up a database of insights about to customers.

And one classroom that I really like is an effect of experiments where you can store all your tests or the insights about your customer and you should really have that. And you should attract more direct cases in there.

So not only A/B Testing but also maybe the testing that we did—like the proposition test that we ran on LinkedIn which you can also use of course on Facebook. But you can also use the EEG data like we did to measure some insights or to get some insights on your consumer.

So how can you use neuromarketing in EEG?

So on a first hand, you can use it in an exploratory way; if you're thinking “Okay, I'm curious what the unconscious mind is thinking of our website, or funnel” for example.

So in the case of the Dutch Road Guard, we asked participants to buy one of the memberships that they offer, and we can see from the beginning to the end what they're seeing at the moment and how their feel.

And this is really different from other kinds of user testing or just eye tracking because with just eye tracking you can see what people are looking at and what they're missing—but you don't see how they feel when there are seeing something (like for example the USP).

And we also saw some other tests that we did those people were really positive about the USPs in the EEG in the brain data that we saw but they weren't positive in what they said. It's like, “Yeah, the USP doesn't translate as well to me as something else.” So we saw really a difference in what people said and what people did.

And this is also good to keep in mind. It's the same with Clever Hands and the example of the image where they could choose a woman and then the other one.

People don't always know what they feel so it's scary to base your decisions on what people said.

But something that we also see with agencies is that they have a lot of A/B Tests that are stacked up already and they don't need new tests. But what we know is that 2 or 3 out of 10 tests are positively significant and the rest just aren't.

And we see that when we combine neuromarketing insights and research with those A/B Tests we can increase your tests that are positively significant because we can judge which tests you should run, and which aren't as important as you thought they were.

Because we can see in the brain data which test or which part actually really work on your website or are roadblocks. But you can also use it of course when something is below benchmark. So in the case of in the personal details, where people forgot some details, we saw also end up that there was a lot of drop out—more than we expected from our benchmark. And we see that people are dropping out of your funnel, but you get the feeling that this is more than you would expect normally.

Or maybe it's untestable like the header image. It's practically impossible sometimes to look at the header image at the beginning of your funnel—and see what it does in your funnel down the line. And you can really test this with EEG.

So I hope you guys enjoyed my small presentation about neuromarketing insights. And if you enjoyed it, please add me on LinkedIn because I share a lot of knowledge over there and I really like to connect with you on that platform.

But also, if you're really curious on how the neuromarketing and EEG could work for you, you can schedule a demo with me where I can show you a bit more on how this really works.

如果您不是來自荷蘭,請不要害怕,因為我們在世界各地都有神經營銷機構聯盟,所以如果它真的是針對美國人的,我們也可以針對該受眾測試您的網站,因為有時你有什麼樣的觀眾當然很重要。 所以謝謝你們的關注,我會把這個詞還給丹尼斯。
