[网络研讨会] 神经营销:让你的观众转化的潜意识力量

已发表: 2018-02-16

获得 A/B 测试结果只是成功的一半。 是时候开始读懂客户的想法了。


1. 马不会算数。

我们会让蒂姆给你完整的轶事。 但要点是:每个人都认为一匹马可以用蹄子挖掘数学问题的答案。

他不能。 当人们对他的“轻拍”做出惊讶的反应时,他能分辨出来——而且他会停下来。 每次都能找到正确的答案。

这个故事的寓意是,当您进行用户测试时,人们会对我们提出问题的方式以及我们对答案的反应作出反应。 所以你不能总是相信人们的反应是真实的。

2. 我们 95% 的决定都是下意识的。

心理学家注意到有两种类型的决策过程。 系统 1——是你大脑的“潜意识、自动驾驶”部分。 它负责您做出的 95% 的选择。 只有 5% 是在系统 2 中制造的——你是更理性的系统。




没有人喜欢做出选择,然后当你问为什么时说“我不确定”。 所以他们不会。 有时,大脑扫描实际上显示出对图像的积极反应——人们会说“它不会引起他们的共鸣”。


4. 你写价格的方式会影响人们认为你的产品有多贵。

大脑喜欢流畅。 它喜欢有意义的事情。

那么大字体的数字? 这是一个很大的代价。 旁边小字体的(打折的)数字? 哇——那要小得多。

另外:货币符号让我们的大脑大喊“钱! 花钱吧! 疼痛!” 这里的上下文很重要,但在您的产品页面上删除 $ 或 € 可能有助于引导转化。


我们知道这一点——经典的说服原则。 人们想要的东西并不多。
但请考虑一下:“几乎售罄!”之间是有区别的。 和“限量版!”

一个意思是:“有很多东西,人们喜欢它。 就快没了。” 一个意思是:“有一点点东西,趁它持续的时候得到它。”

喜欢“独特性”的人——对后者的反应更好。 争取社会一致性的人会与前者产生共鸣。

6. EEG 可以做一些你的 A/B 测试做不到的事情。

一是——提供一些策略指导性的解释。 您可以通过眼动追踪判断某人是否看了一段时间的图像,但您将很难理解他们对图像的感受。

如果有人停止滚动,您可以判断他们是否滚动浏览您的页面:但是 - 为什么? 因为它很混乱? 因为它令人愉快?

脑部扫描可帮助您找出“方法”。 无论您决定如何测试,它们都会帮助您选择正确的问题。


谢谢丹尼斯,也谢谢你们让我参加这个网络研讨会。 我很高兴能告诉你们一些关于我们在荷兰在神经营销方面所做的事情。 这是我们现在正在探索的一个令人兴奋的新领域。 所以是的,在我演讲的开始,我总是喜欢带着 EEG 耳机和我一起展示这张幻灯片。 它当然没有正确安装,因为我需要保持头发笔直。 当然,我一直很喜欢这张照片,它展示了我们现在正在为之工作的一些客户。

所以是的,所以我想给你看的第一张照片又是我的照片。 这将是我向你保证的最后一个。 但是看看这张照片,不用转头,你能看出这张照片有什么问题吗?

也许有些人已经看到有些事情已经过去了。 不放弃任何东西,也许看看嘴,对吗?


现在让我为你翻一张照片。 所以现在你看到眼睛和嘴巴被颠倒了。

而且我敢肯定,以这种方式看这张照片真的很奇怪,颠倒 - 但现在眼睛在嘴里,就像你通常看到的那样。 你的大脑真的很难看出这不是正确的画面。

因为如果你看到的一切都像这里显示的那样,除了眼睛和嘴巴之外的一切都是正确的——你的大脑就会知道“嘿,这不对。” 但在这一点上,你的大脑会立即超越你的理性部分,看到一张好脸,然后说“让我们继续吧。”

这就是心理学和神经营销学的基础。 我们试图说服,我们试图衡量的是潜意识。 这是一个自动运行的系统。 因为有很多东西以这种自动方式发生,这是我们想要影响的部分,我们想要使用。

也许你们已经看过下一张幻灯片,所以我会保持简短。 但有人说过——这是心理学家的标准做法——我们 95% 的决定是在系统 1 中做出的——在潜意识中,自动驾驶仪是你大脑的一部分。 只有 5% 是在系统 2 中制造的——你是更理性的系统。 这个系统在控制中而且速度很慢——所以它控制着更大的决定,比如你的抵押贷款。


因为你们很多人也做一些用户测试,在用户测试中,你问你的参与者他们对某事或其他事的看法。 可能是您的网站,也可能是标题图片。


也许并非总是如此。 这位心理学家做了一个实验,他让参与者说出他们想和这两位女士中的哪一位约会。 所以是左边的,还是右边的。 正如你所看到的,它们明显不同。 左边的头发长,右边的头发短,也许还有一些耳环。 所以这个案例的参与者说是的,我想和左边那位留着长发的女士约会。 就像一个优秀的魔术师一样,研究领导者把卡片放下,然后还给他们。

但他没有注意到的是,他把错误的图片还给了他,所以他没有选择他选择的图片,而是把图片还给了他,他没有选择。 当然,最大的问题是:有多少人注意到了这一点。

除了这个问题,我的大部分问题都是技巧问题——因为 87% 的参与者确实会说:“嘿,这不是我选择的问题。”

但有趣的部分是关于 13% 的人没有注意到它。

他们没有注意到图像被交换了,现在他们被问到:他们为什么选择这张照片? 而不是说,“是的,我喜欢这个女孩,因为长发,”他们说“不,我喜欢短发的女孩,我喜欢戴耳环的女孩,”等等。


如果您正在进行用户测试,请记住这一点非常方便。 当有人不知道他们的想法或感受时,他们会给出一个理由,因为他们最不想做的就是说“我不知道我为什么选择这个。” 这在不知不觉中发生,这不是他们愿意撒谎的有意识决定。 他们只是下意识地开始编造一些东西。 因此,当您进行用户测试时,请记住这一点。


为了让您对此有更多见解,让我们看看聪明的汉斯。 聪明的汉斯是一匹马,我认为这是一匹荷兰马,因为他的名字叫汉斯,当时很多荷兰人都叫汉斯。 但是汉斯可以做一些非常奇特的事情。 他会计算,他会做数学。 如果你问马“二加二是什么?” 他会敲四下他的蹄子。 太神奇了,对吧? 这匹马真的会计算,做数学。 所以很多人聚集在一起,他们看到,事实上,你可以问他各种数学问题,他会挖掘正确的答案。 现在的问题当然是:你相信这匹马真的可以做数学或我们或其他东西吗?


所以心理学家做了什么蒙住了马的眼睛。 然后发生的事情是,当他们问马一加三等于多少的问题时,马什么也没做。 所以现在每个人都很棒,那么马是怎么做到的呢? 事实证明,这匹马只是看着一群人。

如果答案是四,人群就会做出反应。 于是他敲了敲蹄子:“一个?” 不,他们都处于悬念之中。 “二?” 他们仍然悬而未决。 “三?” 仍然悬而未决,然后是“四?” 每个人都会说,“啊!” 他敲了四下。 而现在,他看到每个人都很惊讶,所以他知道他应该停下来。 所以全场的潜意识影响,让马做了他平时不会做的事。

因此,在进行用户测试并且您坐在参与者旁边时,这也是要记住的事情。 你对参与者的潜意识影响是什么? 也许你对你期望他说的话有某种影响,而这并不总是那么得心应手。

下一个例子最好地展示了很多潜意识的事情。 事实证明,当研究人员在书店里留下巧克力香味时,他们看到烹饪书籍的销量有所上升,浪漫书籍的销量也有所上升。浪漫书籍的销量没有烹饪书那么高。 食谱更多地与巧克力联系在一起,而巧克力的浪漫部分与它并没有太大的联系。 但是看到我们周围有力量指导我们的行为仍然很有趣。 让我们深入研究一些可以用来引导某人行为的其他力量的例子,这是我想与您分享的很多转换见解。

第一个是酷蓝的一个例子。 这是一家荷兰在线商店,他们有这个网页。 很多次我问观众这里缺少什么? 并且缺少一些关键的信息。

也许是因为你们正在转换,你可能听说过省略欧元符号或货币符号会增加转换。 确实如此。 大多数情况下发生这种情况是因为当人们看到这个区域的价格时,大脑就会亮起来。


所以这有点道理。 当你花钱时,我们会说“有点痛”。 这与我们通过 FMRI 扫描在大脑中看到的相同。 它实际上很痛,花钱并不痛,但显然也看到一个物体的价格很痛,而且价格总是伴随着货币符号。 因此,实际上减轻痛苦的一种方法是将货币符号排除在外。

我现在将深入研究神经科学中更深入的内容。 我们刚刚看到了这张带有价格的电视图片,所以让我们深入了解价格并放大它。 所以在这里我们有您的 1,199 欧元的价格和 1,079 欧元的新价格。 对于接下来我要改变的事情,我必须向你们解释一些关于有时物理概念如何将自己转化为心理概念的事情。

这听起来有点假,但是想象一个住在很远的朋友,所以我们之间的物理距离有点大,你也觉得你和他的情感距离也因为距离而更大了一些。 有一句荷兰语说“近邻胜过远友”——这是同一回事,居住在远方的物理概念转化为心理概念。 那里的联系也感觉有点远。

现在让我们将此应用于此价格。 也许你已经猜到了。 我正在增加新旧价格之间的距离以及会发生什么——这实际上是一位研究这个的科学家——当我们增加旧价格和新价格之间的大小时,我们也会想到折扣有多大是增加。 所以这真的很有趣。 这又是转化为心理概念的物理概念。

在接下来的几张幻灯片中,我将向您展示所有这些科学研究相互叠加。 我们最终可能会得到一个完美的价格——一个以心理上效果最好的方式定价的价格。

所以还有一个概念叫做处理流畅度,基本上就是说我们处理得更容易的东西,也处理得更流畅。 如果处理得更流畅,我们会更喜欢它。 就这么简单。


我们先来看看变化。 所以我没有把旧的价格变小,而是把它变大了。 这有点道理,因为旧的价格也更高; 它是 1,199 欧元,所以要多出 120 欧元,所以价格更高,所以在字体方面也应该更大。

所以这又是一项研究,如果旧价格大于新价格,这在心理上更有意义。 这处理得更流畅,所以这也感觉像是一个更大的折扣。

然后是下一个更改,在此更改中,我使旧价格不透明,新价格更不透明。 一样; 如果它是不透明的,它会感觉更轻,更轻的价格会感觉更小。

在这次更改中,我增加了字体粗细,因此旧价格大、粗、粗,而新价格不再存在。 或者你可以走得更远,我也可以在这里失去黑暗,失去黑暗基本上只是意味着价格在多大程度上变小了。

这是我想向你们展示定价的最后一个。 这是一个红色的针脚,显然,这只适用于男人。 所以对于男人来说,这感觉像是一个更大的折扣,而对于女孩来说,这是中性的,这可能与男人如何看待红色以及它如何在进化理论中发挥作用有关。

因此,考虑到这一切,我们作为一个机构,在这种情况下进行了 AB 测试或 ABCD 测试。

所以在左上角我们看到了这个网站的原价。 在该图像中,它位于红色右侧按钮上,我们看到:欧元符号、18 个逗号零、零(18,00 欧元)。 所以我们有两件事要在这里应用,第一件事是省略欧元符号,正如我已经告诉你的那样,第二件事是省略零 - 因为也省略零会使价格更小。 所以它应该被认为是一个较小的价格,对吧? 所以我们对此进行了测试,当然,我想你会同意我的观点,右下角的那个应该是明显的赢家,因为它没有欧元符号,也没有两个零,但很奇怪左下角的赢了。 我们对此感到非常惊讶,因为我们想,“嘿,欧元符号,它很痛,所以把它去掉应该意味着更少的痛苦,应该意味着更多的转变。”

但我们忘记的是,也许不清楚这是一个没有欧元标志的价格——这比留下欧元标志更重要,因为它很痛。 因此,当您尝试应用心理学见解时,也要牢记这一点。 基本上,它在更改网站和进行一些转换测试时处于金字塔的顶端。


为了更深入地了解这一点,请看下图。 也许你们已经可以告诉我这家是哪家大零售商了。 我听不见你们的声音,除了高五,你们不能举手。

是的,所以这确实是亚马逊,你们在这里没有看到亚马逊作为徽标,这真的很有趣,你唯一看到的是,右下角,“添加到购物车”。 而且因为它的品牌非常好,亚马逊可以在这种情况下省略美元符号——因为你知道这是价格,15.71 美元是价格。

因此,在这种情况下,将其排除在外更有意义。 所以当你尝试应用同样的东西时,首先看看你是否正确地标记了你的价格。 如果人们知道那是价格应该在的地方。

这是我们从neuromarketing.com 获得的下一张幻灯片。 它基本上是一个网站,提供有关神经营销洞察力的最新信息。 这一个告诉你应该如何定位你的产品。 因此,在您定位产品时也要记住这一点——可能是在您的电子商务网站或您也有产品的其他网站上。 在左侧,您会看到 iMac 面向文本,而在右侧,戴尔的笔记本电脑面向文本或横幅。

您基本上可以将其视为收敛线——在 Mac 广告中指向文本,而在戴尔广告中则背向文本。 所以我们在右边的广告中看到它的效果不如左边的广告,如果我当然也用笔记本电脑检查右边的广告,反之亦然。

所以请记住,您的产品也应该面向您的文本。 这与您在文本中使用人类基本相同。 在转换线的主题上,你也可以利用它来发挥你的优势。


现在我要问丹尼斯,因为他是一个很好的观众,看下一张照片并告诉我他看到的第一件事,我希望你们也尝试做同样的事情。 看看我现在要给你看的图片,想想你看到的第一件事。 你准备好了吗? 就这样吧。

是的,这是正确的。 虽然我当然听不到你们其他人的声音。 当我向观众中的很多人做这个演示时,每个人都大喊我首先看到了风车,这并不奇怪,因为如果你看水,转换线会自动发生在笔直的道路或镜头或水域这种情况下——自动将您的注意力引向风车。 而风车又将目光投向了“欢迎来到荷兰”的文字。


但是,如果您记住当人们经过时您只有几秒钟的注意力,您可能希望人们首先看到产品而不是风车。 在这种情况下,也许您正试图出售风车,这是正确的,但在其他情况下,请记住会聚线的影响,并且这种情况总是发生在这样的道路和水域中。


我希望你们不要害怕,不要担心我不会深入研究 Cialdini 6。我什至不会深入研究原则稀缺性作为单一原则。 我将深入探讨最近在神经营销科学世界中作为一个有趣的见解出现的区别。


第一个可能是大多数人使用的:它是“几乎售罄”。 但第二个也很有趣,它是“限量版”。

我想到了这两者之间的区别。 左边那个,几乎卖光了,你基本上是说已经生产了很多,但也有很多人买了它。 但在右边,你基本上是在说我们生产的不多,所以你是少数能够拥有它的幸运儿之一。

所以左边的更像是一种社会证明的稀缺性,而右边的更像是一种独特的稀缺性。 事实证明,不同类型的人会对这种稀缺性的不同框架做出反应。


我不知道你们是否都知道,但例如,您可以说“注册时事通讯并始终收到”——这是一个“增益框架”。 或者你可以说注册一个时事通讯,不要错过更多的丢失框架的最新信息。

显然,对独特性需求高的人对损失框架的反应更积极,而对独特性需求低的人对获得框架的反应更好。 因此,在您的网站上使用稀缺性时请记住这一点。


所以我想告诉你们的关于社会证明的另一件事是社会证明的反面。 为什么我想向你们展示这一点是,社会证明的反面可能会以错误的方式使用,我看到我在这里错过了一张幻灯片,所以我现在就先说一下。

我们为一家荷兰保险公司测试了一些提议,我们测试了三个我们自己创建的提议,这些是左边的提议。 这是恐惧、社会认同和重构。

我们还使用了市场上已经存在的两个命题——一个来自 ABN、AMRO,另一个来自 Interpolis。 有趣的是,来自 Interpolis 的那个使用了一种消极的社会证明。 它说的是——它是网络安全的保险——它说的是“网络事件一直在发生,但大多数企业家仍然没有考虑它。”

这说明这是一种错误的社会证明,因为你说很多人不担心这个,所以你也不必担心。 我们都知道社会认同的积极一面,比如“嘿,很多人都这样做……”,但没有多少人会反过来说“很多人不这样做”。担心这个”真的会伤害转换。

你可以看到我们是如何测试的。 我们在 LinkedIn 广告上对其进行了测试,并且有趣的是要记住,用户测试并不总是必须在您的网站上进行。 例如,如果您想测试一个命题或用户速度,您可以尝试在 Facebook 或 LinkedIn 上进行测试……我们确实看到,与我们在左侧创建的三个相比, Interpolis 的效果非常非常糟糕,所以效果不如其他的。 所以请记住社会证明的负面部分。

我还想告诉你一些关于我认为 2018 年将会发生的事情,所以更详细一点。 而且是微动。 我不经常看到这种情况,所以这真的是你可以很容易地提高转化率的东西。 让我们看看你们大多数人可能使用的箭头。 把注意力稍微往下一点。 但这也发生在按钮上,您也可以尝试这样做。 在此示例中,您会看到按钮有点晃动。 然后这个我真的很喜欢的例子,看看绿色按钮,它就在颤抖。 当它像那样摇晃时,我感到有点高兴。 因此,通过我们在样本中看到的这种微动,它引起了很多关注,因为某些东西在移动,而在静态网站中通常不是这种情况。 所以这对于吸引注意力非常有用。

现在对于你们大多数人可能也非常好奇的部分,丹尼斯一开始就介绍了我。 我们试图用脑电图和眼动追踪等神经营销测量方法来测量潜意识。 所以对我们来说,神经营销可以用两种方式来解释。 所以第一种方法是我已经向你们展示的,这是我们已经从已经完成的科学或我们已经完成的研究中获得的见解,就像最佳实践一样。 但有时您真的很想知道您的消费者在观看您的网站或浏览您的渠道时的反应和感受。 因为那里可能有很多潜意识的障碍正在发生,人们无法告诉你,但对于他们是否会转变仍然会产生影响。

我将给你举一个例子,人们可能不会说这会阻止他们转换,但最终在转换中获得了巨大的收益。 但要深入了解这一点,我首先必须告诉你一些在脑电图研究中发现的令人惊奇的事情。 2014 年的这项研究表明,我们可以通过查看脑电图来预测某人是否会购买产品,在这种情况下是前额叶不对称——你当然可以忘记这一点。 我们可以在某人购买产品之前的 5 毫秒内预测他会以 90% 的确定性购买它,这真的很神奇,我们用这个指标做了很多事情,我将向你展示它看起来如何。

但是请记住,如果您想知道什么真正在跟踪您的网站上的注意力并照亮人们,那么这确实是您正在寻找的东西。 基本上,我们衡量的是一种接近或回避动机,所以当我们看到接近动机时,我们看到人们真的想要它,但是当我们看到回避动机时,我们看到人们真的不喜欢它。 所以两者都对你的在线测试很有帮助,因为对于一些你想知道的事情,嘿,这引起了很多关注,人们对此感到积极,让我们更频繁地使用它。” 另一个告诉你人们真的不喜欢这个。 稍后我将向您展示一个不喜欢的例子。


为此,我们还会查看科学和研究论文,因为几年前他们对很多头戴式耳机进行了比较分析,而你们现在正在查看的这款耳机被证明是商业上最好的一款使用,当然真正最好的是他们在医院使用的; 但是那些上面有很多电线,你不能真正自由移动,它们也被使用,因为它们有更多的旋钮来测量你是否患有帕金森。

所以这个基本上是我们当然想要使用它的营销目的的最佳选择。 周围的其他人更像是可以衡量您是否在冥想的产消者。 例如,如果您正在为您的网站进行神经营销研究,这很有趣,但并没有真正的帮助。 但是 10 分钟后它也会有点痛,这个感觉就像你在锻炼时戴的防汗带。


所以这不是我们编造的东西,也不是我们自己验证过的东西。 不,这是全世界都在使用的。

第一个是欲望指标,这是我一开始使用的前额估计示例。 指标的另一部分是参与度指标,您可以看到我们有高参与度和低参与度。 当您的参与度较低时,就像您在阅读书中的一页时一样,并且在页面的末尾您在想自己:“我又读了什么?”


这是我们在网上不使用 lot 的指标; 尽管我们经常将其用于商业测试,但仅用于商业测试,这与您对广告或商业广告的记住程度确实相关。

底部的两个是更负面的。 所以第一个是工作量,你可以想象这是什么; 当您在处理某些事情时遇到困难时,您的工作量确实很高。 例如,当你在做困难的数学题时。

另一个是混乱,混乱基本上意味着发生了一些你没有预料到的事情。 因此,这与沮丧不同,这是值得记住的。 有些人说我们可以用脑电图来衡量挫折感,而科学普查表明,当你试图衡量挫折感时,你并不清楚你在衡量什么。


在网站上,这也是您要寻找障碍的网站,因为如果出现混乱,如果人们不知道发生了什么,他们可能会更快离开。 因此,如果您将其与眼动追踪结合起来,您就可以看到人们在毫秒内看到的位置以及人们的感受——这为网站优化提供了洞察力。 我将向你们展示这对于一个网站的外观,但我首先想向你们展示它实际上有多强大,并通过展示我需要向你们展示一个广告,因为这使它尽可能清晰。

在这个广告中,我们对 12 名有 2 岁左右孩子的女性进行了测试。 你可能会问“我们正在对数千名参与者进行 AB 测试,为什么这个数字这么低?” 但它如此低的原因是因为如果你看大脑的反应并没有太多的变化。 所以研究一致认为,当你有 10 名参与者时,你可以确定你发现的 95% 的东西对更大的受众来说是有意义的。 如果我们真的想确保我们使用 30 名参与者,因为那么我们会达到 99% 的显着性水平。

所以看,让我先给你们看这个广告中的第一个场景,你们都看到了这个被拖到水下很多次的婴儿。 当我试图在不向你展示的情况下向人们解释时,他们会说,“所以一个婴儿被拉到水下,这可能是对的”,但如果你这样看,好吧,也许你会想,是的,它看起来很可爱. 所以我会播放剪辑,只需几秒钟。 你可能会看到它。 他看起来很开心。 让我们看看另一个剪辑。 这个剪辑,这个baby看起来很开心,就像外国广告的海报男孩baby。 我想给你看的最后一件事就是这件事; 这是一个婴儿在自行车前。 显然,典型的爸爸,我们都骑自行车。 我们在荷兰的自行车比在荷兰的居民多,所以我们喜欢骑自行车。 So these were all commercials that on first hand one would say, “Sure thing, they all look good, right, a bit.”

So let me show you how they all look in the brain. And this is the aggregated data of 12 participants, 12 women that have children of around 2 years of age. And you're looking here at the EEG graph of the desire metric. So that's the one that I pulled out because you see a lot of spikes over here that give rise to what was happening. And you have to look at the zero line. So the zero line is over here. I'm pointing at it with my mouse right now. So at the beginning of the commercial it's really low.

Let's take a quick look you'll see a bar going from left to right.

So basically what it means that if it's below zero this means there's an avoidance motivation. While rationally you might say this is cute—this is a baby that's under the water shows that subconsciously something is wrong, it's not going well, we should avoid mission right now. So this is not good, this is not a good start of you're commercial. The next one is supposed to be a baby and he's sitting in the sink, that's stupid. And you saw when he was in the sink it immediately jumped really high so this is really positive, people feel like this is great.

And in the next scene that I want to show you it starts over here so we have a peek over here but then a huge drop over here and that's exactly when the baby sitting in front of the bike with his mom. So this looks really fun but what people really felt is scared or anxiety because a baby sitting in front of the bike and he's probably a bit in danger because he's not wearing a helmet as well, but when they collide he's a first one that hits something and that's not good. And we see immediately that all the moms that saw this, they dropped in a positive emotion, they were immediately, “This is not good, we should abort mission again.” So also not a great scene.

Here in the last scene, and this is I think the best thing to show you guys of how well the symmetry works actually, the desire metric, is in this last scene. First look at it because you can see that there's a huge peak at the end. You can imagine what happened here, right? So you saw the babies coming up and the moms immediately think, “Ah, this is a cute baby. I want to have him.” I want to sniff him probably as well. And they were really happy seeing this. And the reason why I showed you guys this is because of that the metric that we use right prefrontal asymmetry you can see it really works, you can see the distinction of what happens in the brain and we're seeing in the ad. And this is the best example of course have the huge drop in the prefrontal estimates when the positive desire it immediately drops below zero so people are avoidant here.

So we use this metric also online. And now it gets interesting because what happens if you see the same dip in positive emotions when people are visiting your website. And this is exactly where we saw our in a form.

So over here I have an example of a form that has a lot of fields so all these fields are obligatory. And we saw with a lot of participants that forgot to fill out these fields that when they viewed the error message we saw a dip in the positive emotion. So we saw that people are avoiding in this way.

And if we dive into this it may be makes a bit of sense as well because you're seeing that you're missing something here, but if you look further than that we can also see that it's in red. And I think that most of you guys when you looking at a form also use this color, you use a red color because this is basically the standard of using an error message.

So what we thought of that was that red maybe has the wrong association, maybe red is seen as permanently wrong and not adjustable. Well in this case it's just a notification saying that “Hey, you can fill it in and you haven't made a mistake.” So in the following AB test we change the color to orange and the line that was filled we change it from red to black and it's really interesting because a lot of times people say, “Oh, you do Ab testing so you're changing colors and stuff?” You guys all know that it isn't anything always about colors, it's much more about positioning elements and psychology that you can use.

And maybe where you're testing colors it's because of a button that you're trying to change and more contrast in color which makes sense of course, but in this case we only change the color of the text that had an association with it.

And now the question is of course: what did this do in sense of an indication of the conversions? And this really interesting because we saw a huge lift, we saw a lift of 15% with a certainty of 99% just by changing the color.

So this is a huge thing for us as well because as I showed you guys before we can see in EEG that of course there's a dip and there are highest when you also expect it maybe, but we also saw now validated online in a following AB Test on our research.

And that gives way for the research that we do a lot of the times. So how we use EEG and eye tracking to optimize websites, because this is just an example of course. And we do it in this example with a mobile phone.

So you can see over here the press the participant's own phone. We use an eye tracking glass from Toby to look at where people are looking and over here you can see the EEG state, the brain data. So the top one is the engagement, the green one is distraction. So when there's a peak in distraction, something happens that we don't understand; this one, the blue line is workload for how difficult we think this is. Basically the benchmark is if it's above 80 we think it's difficult, if it's below 80 it's okay. And the bottom line is a prefrontal asymmetry, the desire metric.

So when there are dips over here and out here something is happening and we're not going to dive into this right now but you can see over here what is happening. So you can see the participant reading the text and it's really clear what they're reading at the time and they're visiting the website.

And something that we got out of this — it really made us think because we get a lot of insights on how you should or what you should test on your website. We see that basically there are two ways of using EEG and neuromarketing. So the first one is more in an exploratory way so you can use it to see like “What should I test. What are some subconscious roadblocks that are happening right now that I am not aware of.” Like the red text in your form but also of course a lot of other elements. But what's interesting to look at is also more a long term approach of what you're finding.

In this case we saw for the Dutch Road Guard, that the first it's in Dutch so I'll read it for you guys: the first one is the rock art membership and the second one ties when you're in doubt with your car.

When all the participants viewed this they were really excited so by all the other use piece we saw excitement, we saw the people liked it. But with these two we didn't see it. And this gives an interesting insight for the Road Guard for them to look at if this membership is still as relevant as it was when they began with it because back in the days this was really relevant, there's no doubt about it. But nowadays maybe you could say that participants don't want to be part per se of the Road Guard anymore. And I'm not saying that you change your whole business model only because of this but this give rise to a question you should be asking yourself if you have the huge impact.

And that is also what I want to show you guys our model for the Continuous Customer Insights. Because not a lot of times it's only about the short term impact that you guys have, it's also about the long term impact. And you can apply the same model actually for your AB testing as well, because the insights you get are really the insights that are validated. You have a lot of significance while a lot of other tests that people might win or think of are like to to be made up, to be things people just go with.

So what we always start with is the customer. So the customer we take it central in doing our research and ask ourselves how can we improve our website? And we do that a lot of times with neuromarketing insights.

So for instance when we are exploring ways we look at the website and we say “Are there some roadblocks going on in the website right now?” And we measure it with each EGG to measure the subconscious and we see what people are feeling at the time. And by this, as in the example of the Road Guard guard, we can learn that maybe the membership isn't as important as we thought it was.

This gives rise to improve the website on the short term but also give more insights in your customer. And your customer– you have them haven't of course but you also want to have them in the future. So you want to have it more future proof. So really think about this as building database insights about your customer. That not only for your website but will also work for your advertisements and ad copy that you're sending out via email.

So I'm seeing I'm a bit short in time so I'll go through this a bit more quickly.

But this is also interesting if you want to maybe test your hero images. We tested that for Road Guard as well because they couldn't really measure through down the line what the impact of these images were. So we have a header over here and I've now overlaid it with eye tracking data.

But we also combine it with EEG which we're going to look at in a second where you are sitting over here that people a lot of people looked at the text over here which is good. And not a lot of people look at the people on the right-hand side and I think that is good because we know that people can be conversion killers because they attracted a lot of attention and they've diverted away from what we really want them to look at. So in this case this could be a good header, and this is also what we saw in the EEG metrics.

So from a desired point of view from the approach motivation, we saw that that last header you just saw was the clear winner, while cheap tickets was really negative so people didn't feel this as well as the other headers.

You might ask yourself, “Okay, so how does that header look?” 它看起来像这样。 And this is interesting because for cheap tickets they sell this space to like American Airlines and stuff.

So they sell the spot and probably for a lot of money but people view this negatively at this time.

So this interesting to think of, but it also interesting to think of if you really need an image, and this is something that I really like, we have to question our assumptions. Because when you make a website we automatically think, “Yes, the should be an image over there. We need to make people feel some stuff.”

For example Airbnb. At Airbnb they want to inspire people to think about where they can go and they need to have some inspiring images on their website, but if you go through the website right now you'll see this, there's no hero image at all. And I'm sorry guys, this is in Dutch.

I really like this because they question the assumption that you should use an image on your home screen while you might argue that we're more interested in letting people read.

So in this case for Airbnb they say like, “Reserve, unique spaces and feel the city like you are living there yourself. Experience the city like you living there yourself.”

And I also like this part because they're really concrete on what you are getting while they are actually a really known brand.

Also when you're making hero images or just slogans make sure that you're really clear about what you're selling and don't try to be vague—because vagueness doesn't sell. And look at this our approach to how we measure stuff and how we use neuromarketing to gain more insights.

I hope that you guys also feel that with the AB Testing that you're doing right now, you could also set up a database of insights about to customers.

And one classroom that I really like is an effect of experiments where you can store all your tests or the insights about your customer and you should really have that. And you should attract more direct cases in there.

So not only A/B Testing but also maybe the testing that we did—like the proposition test that we ran on LinkedIn which you can also use of course on Facebook. But you can also use the EEG data like we did to measure some insights or to get some insights on your consumer.

So how can you use neuromarketing in EEG?

So on a first hand, you can use it in an exploratory way; if you're thinking “Okay, I'm curious what the unconscious mind is thinking of our website, or funnel” for example.

So in the case of the Dutch Road Guard, we asked participants to buy one of the memberships that they offer, and we can see from the beginning to the end what they're seeing at the moment and how their feel.

And this is really different from other kinds of user testing or just eye tracking because with just eye tracking you can see what people are looking at and what they're missing—but you don't see how they feel when there are seeing something (like for example the USP).

And we also saw some other tests that we did those people were really positive about the USPs in the EEG in the brain data that we saw but they weren't positive in what they said. It's like, “Yeah, the USP doesn't translate as well to me as something else.” So we saw really a difference in what people said and what people did.

And this is also good to keep in mind. It's the same with Clever Hands and the example of the image where they could choose a woman and then the other one.

People don't always know what they feel so it's scary to base your decisions on what people said.

But something that we also see with agencies is that they have a lot of A/B Tests that are stacked up already and they don't need new tests. But what we know is that 2 or 3 out of 10 tests are positively significant and the rest just aren't.

And we see that when we combine neuromarketing insights and research with those A/B Tests we can increase your tests that are positively significant because we can judge which tests you should run, and which aren't as important as you thought they were.

Because we can see in the brain data which test or which part actually really work on your website or are roadblocks. But you can also use it of course when something is below benchmark. So in the case of in the personal details, where people forgot some details, we saw also end up that there was a lot of drop out—more than we expected from our benchmark. And we see that people are dropping out of your funnel, but you get the feeling that this is more than you would expect normally.

Or maybe it's untestable like the header image. It's practically impossible sometimes to look at the header image at the beginning of your funnel—and see what it does in your funnel down the line. And you can really test this with EEG.

So I hope you guys enjoyed my small presentation about neuromarketing insights. And if you enjoyed it, please add me on LinkedIn because I share a lot of knowledge over there and I really like to connect with you on that platform.

But also, if you're really curious on how the neuromarketing and EEG could work for you, you can schedule a demo with me where I can show you a bit more on how this really works.

如果您不是来自荷兰,请不要害怕,因为我们在世界各地都有一个神经营销机构联盟,所以如果它真的专门针对美国人,我们也可以针对该受众测试您的网站,因为有时你有什么样的观众当然很重要。 所以谢谢你们的关注,我会把这个词还给丹尼斯。
